module Sequel::Plugins::FormeSet

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/forme_set.rb

The forme_set plugin makes the model instance keep track of which form inputs have been added for it. It adds a forme_set(params['model_name']) method to handle the intake of submitted data from the form. For more complete control, it also adds a forme_parse method that returns a hash of information that can be used to modify and validate the object.


Public Class

  1. apply


SKIP_FORMATTERS = [:disabled, :readonly, ::Forme::Formatter::Disabled, ::Forme::Formatter::ReadOnly]  

Public Class methods


Depend on the forme plugin, as forme_input already needs to be defined.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/forme_set.rb
16 def self.apply(model)
17   model.plugin :forme
18 end