class Forme::Serializer::Bootstrap3

  1. lib/forme/bs3.rb
Superclass: Serializer

Serializer class that converts tags to BS3 bootstrap tags.

Registered at :bs3.


Public Instance

  1. call

Public Instance methods

[show source]
    # File lib/forme/bs3.rb
347 def call(tag)
348   # All textual <input>, <textarea>, and <select> elements with .form-control
349   case tag
350   when Tag
351     case tag.type
352     when :input
353       # default to <input type="text"...> if not set
354       tag.attr[:type] = :text if tag.attr[:type].nil?
356       case tag.attr[:type].to_sym
357       when :checkbox, :radio, :hidden
358         # .form-control class causes rendering problems, so remove if found
359         tag.attr[:class] = tag.attr[:class].gsub(/\s*form-control\s*/,'') if tag.attr[:class]
360         tag.attr[:class] = nil if tag.attr[:class] && tag.attr[:class].empty?
362       when :file
363         tag.attr[:class] = nil unless tag.attr[:class] && tag.attr[:class].strip != ''
365       when :submit, :reset
366         klass = ['btn', 'btn-default']
367         if tag.attr[:class] && tag.attr[:class].strip != ''
368           tag.attr[:class].split(' ').each { |c| klass.push c }
369         end
370         tag.attr[:class] = klass.uniq
371         ['btn-primary','btn-success', 'btn-info', 'btn-warning','btn-danger',
372           'btn-outline','btn-link' 
373         ].each do |k|
374           tag.attr[:class].delete('btn-default') if tag.attr[:class].include?(k)
375         end
376         tag.attr[:class].join(' ')
378       else
379         klass = tag.attr[:class] ? "form-control #{tag.attr[:class].to_s}" : ''
380         tag.attr[:class] = "form-control #{klass.gsub(/\s*form-control\s*/,'')}".strip
381       end
383       return "<#{tag.type}#{attr_html(tag.attr)}/>"
385     when :textarea, :select
386       klass = tag.attr[:class] ? "form-control #{tag.attr[:class].to_s}" : ''
387       tag.attr[:class] = "form-control #{klass.gsub(/\s*form-control\s*/,'')}".strip
388       return "#{serialize_open(tag)}#{call(tag.children)}#{serialize_close(tag)}"
389     else
390       super
391     end
392   else
393     super
394   end
395 end