class Sequel::Plugins::Forme::SequelInput

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/forme.rb
Superclass: Object

Helper class for dealing with Forme/Sequel integration. One instance is created for each call to Forme::Form#input for forms associated with Sequel::Model objects.


Public Class

  1. new

Public Instance

  1. field
  2. form
  3. input
  4. obj
  5. opts

Included modules

  1. ::Forme


FORME_NAME_METHODS = [:forme_name, :name, :title, :number]  

The name methods that will be tried, in order, to get the text to use for the options in the select input created for associations.


field [R]

The field/column name related to the receiver. The type of input created usually depends upon this field.

form [R]

The form related to the receiver.

obj [R]

The Sequel::Model object related to the receiver.

opts [R]

The options hash related to the receiver.

Public Class methods

new(obj, form, field, opts)

Set the obj, form, field, and opts attributes.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/forme.rb
150 def initialize(obj, form, field, opts)
151   @obj, @form, @field, @opts = obj, form, field, opts
152 end

Public Instance methods


Determine which type of input to used based on the field. If the field is a column, use the column’s type to determine an appropriate field type. If the field is an association, use either a regular or multiple select input (or multiple radios or checkboxes if the related :as option is used). If it’s not a column or association, but the object responds to field, create a text input. Otherwise, raise an Error.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/forme.rb
161 def input
162   opts[:attr] = opts[:attr] ? opts[:attr].dup : {}
163   opts[:wrapper_attr] = opts[:wrapper_attr] ? opts[:wrapper_attr].dup : {}
164   handle_errors(field)
165   handle_validations(field)
167   type = opts[:type]
168   if !type && (sch = obj.db_schema[field])
169     meth = :"input_#{sch[:type]}"
170     opts[:key] = field unless opts.has_key?(:key)
171     opts[:required] = true if !opts.has_key?(:required) && sch[:allow_null] == false && sch[:type] != :boolean
172     handle_label(field)
174     ::Forme.attr_classes(opts[:wrapper_attr], sch[:type])
175     ::Forme.attr_classes(opts[:wrapper_attr], "required") if opts[:required]
177     if respond_to?(meth, true)
178       send(meth, sch)
179     else
180       input_other(sch)
181     end
182   elsif !type && (ref = obj.model.association_reflection(field))
183     ::Forme.attr_classes(opts[:wrapper_attr], ref[:type])
184     meth = :"association_#{ref[:type]}"
185     if respond_to?(meth, true)
186       send(meth, ref)
187     else
188       raise Error, "Association type #{ref[:type]} not currently handled for association #{ref[:name]}"
189     end
190   else
191     rt = obj.respond_to?(field)
192     raise(Error, "Unrecognized field used: #{field}") unless rt || type
193     meth = :"input_#{type}"
194     opts[:value] = nil unless rt || opts.has_key?(:value)
195     opts[:key] = field unless opts.has_key?(:key)
196     handle_label(field)
197     if respond_to?(meth, true)
198       opts.delete(:type)
199       send(meth, opts)
200     else
201       input_other(opts)
202     end
203   end
204 end