module Sequel::Plugins::FormeSet::InstanceMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/forme_set.rb

Public Instance methods

forme_input(_form, field, _opts)

Keep track of the inputs used.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/forme_set.rb
51 def forme_input(_form, field, _opts)
52   frozen? ? super : (forme_inputs[field] = super)
53 end

Hash with column name symbol keys and Forme::SequelInput values

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/forme_set.rb
22 def forme_inputs
23   return (@forme_inputs || {}) if frozen?
24   @forme_inputs ||= {}
25 end

Given the hash of submitted parameters, return a hash containing information on how to set values in the model based on the inputs used on the related form. Currently, the hash contains the following information:


A hash of values that can be used to update the model, suitable for passing to Sequel::Model#set.


A hash of values suitable for merging into forme_validations. Used to check that the submitted values for associated objects match one of the options for the input in the form.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/forme_set.rb
63 def forme_parse(params)
64   hash = {}
65   hash_values = hash[:values] = {}
66   validations = hash[:validations] = {}
68   forme_inputs.each do |field, input|
69     next unless column = forme_column_for_input(input)
70     hash_values[column] = params[column] || params[column.to_s]
72     next unless validation = forme_validation_for_input(field, input)
73     validations[column] = validation
74   end
76   hash
77 end

Set the values in the object based on the parameters parsed from the form, and add validations based on the form to ensure that associated objects match form values.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/forme_set.rb
81 def forme_set(params)
82   hash = forme_parse(params)
83   set(hash[:values])
84   unless hash[:validations].empty?
85     forme_validations.merge!(hash[:validations])
86   end
87   nil
88 end

Hash with column name symbol keys and [subset, allowed_values] values. subset is a boolean flag, if true, the uploaded values should be a subset of the allowed values, otherwise, there should be a single uploaded value that is a member of the allowed values.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/forme_set.rb
45 def forme_validations
46   return (@forme_validations || {}) if frozen?
47   @forme_validations ||= {}
48 end

Temporarily reset forme_inputs to the empty hash before yielding to the block.

Used by the Roda forme_set plugin to make sure each form only includes metadata for inputs in that form, and not metadata for inputs for earlier forms on the same page.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/forme_set.rb
30 def isolate_forme_inputs
31   return yield if frozen?
33   forme_inputs = self.forme_inputs
34   begin
35     @forme_inputs = {}
36     yield
37   ensure
38     @forme_inputs = forme_inputs.merge(@forme_inputs)
39   end
40 end

Check associated values to ensure they match one of options in the form.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/forme_set.rb
 91 def validate
 92   super
 94   if validations = @forme_validations
 95     validations.each do |column, (type, values)|
 96       value = send(column)
 98       valid = case type
 99       when :subset
100         # Handle missing value the same as the empty array,
101         # can happen with PostgreSQL array associations
102         !value || (value - values).empty?
103       when :include
104         values.include?(value)
105       when :valid
106         values
107       else
108         raise Forme::Error, "invalid type used in forme_validations"
109       end
111       unless valid
112         errors.add(column, 'invalid value submitted')
113       end
114     end
115   end
116 end